Pelagia Måløy Sildoljefabrikk

This factory was built as early as 1937 in Måløy, one of the biggest fishing harbours in Norway, on the west coast between Bergen and Ålesund. Today Måløy is rounded by many filleting factories from the pelagic fisheries. Therefor it process more then 50 % of its raw material as trimmings from the human consumption industry. The main market for the high quality oil and protein is aqua feed, however pig and poultry takes its share.

Herring, capelin and blue whiting is the key species for this factory operating all year depending on the fisheries.

Måløy can process up to 1 500 tons of raw material pr day. The storage capasities are 19 000 tons of fish meal, incl Ulvesund storage, and 3 900 tons of fish oil.


Ulvesundveien 77

6718 Deknepollen

Fishmeal, Fishoil

Activity: Meal and Oil production

  • Production capacity:1.500 tons/day