Epax Norway AS

Epax, a wholly owned subsidiary of Norwegian company Pelagia AS, is a leading global brand of premium omega-3 ingredients to some of the most renowned retail brands in the world. The customers have significant brand equity at stake and have come to demand and depend on Epax’ ingredients and service.

In the supplement industry, Epax is known for Purity, Quality, Innovation. We exist to supply you with pure ultra-concentrated omega-3 ingredients, responsibly and sustainably sourced. You can trust the exceptional Epax quality while offering health-promoting products to consumers around the world.

Aarsæthervegen 17
6006 Ålesund

Highly concentrated marine omega-3 are uniquely formulated with varying concentrations and ratios of EPA/DHA fatty acids, which are designed to address specific health concerns. All Epax Omega-3 concentrates are supplied in bulk, i.e. 190 kg steel drums.

Activity: Refinement and concentration of fish oil.